Starkowski Consulting LLC
Health Care - Human Services - Government Relations
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                               Michael Starkowski
 Government procurement, operational policies and procedures are sometimes as confusing and mysterious as the “black box”. For those who are partnering with government or publicly funded providers, successful navigation through the government “black box” is the only way to reach your business goals. 

The ability for business entities to successfully partner with public service programs can make a positive difference in the lives of children, families, seniors and people with disabilities while meeting individual business objectives. The service of someone who has had public sector tenure, especially at the executive level, with knowledge,  skills and experience in  designing and managing health and human services programs is invaluable.

  • For government entities and their public programs to meet the challenges          of the new world economic environment, there is a need to increase  collaboration with and reliance on qualified business partners.

  • For health care providers, employers and supporting businesses to be     successful in the next generation of health care reform, they need to    understand the rules, regulations and the impact of health care reform.

  • For contractors who desire to partner with government agencies, or          provide support services for government funded programs, there is a             need for someone who can offer guidance and direction through the inner workings of government to ensure objectives are developed that meet the program opportunities available.

As the former Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Social Services, I respect and appreciate for profit and nonprofit businesses interested in partnering with government and understand the challenges faced by government and businesses to make these partnerships successful. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, engaging a consultant with experience, commitment and integrity could provide the key to success. 

Whether business partners are working with federal agencies, state agencies, legislative bodies or existing government partners, consulting with someone who has executive level relationships with appropriate public officials will facilitate the process. I will personally provide individualized services based on your business objectives and communicate the value of the services you provide with local, state and federal officials. My relationships not only include the vast network of health and human service providers, but also professional resources that provide actuarial, legal, financial, public relations, seasoned lobbyists and a host of other business related services.

Visit my public profile on Linkedin by clicking here   Michael Starkowski.

Health Care    
Key Health care strategy / implementation adviser to four Connecticut Governors 

Designed and administered multiple health care  plans and programs with over 400,000 covered lives 

Developed and implemented RX cost
containment programs

Long standing relationship with Federal Agencies

Recognized expert in Health Care Reform

Human Services
Administered approx. 90 human service  programs  

Implemented automated solutions 

Worked closely with non-profts and philanthropic organizations

Negotiated contracts and forged successful partnerships with providers and contractors

Government Relations 
Vast experience in implementation of Federal and State initiatives

Solid history of collaborative relationships with Federal agencies, executive branch officials/agencies and the state legislature

Extensive experience in preparing and delivering testimony in public hearings

Served on executive and legislative workgroups and committees 

Developed legislative proposals and             negotiated legislative language
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