Starkowski Consulting LLC
Health Care - Human Services - Government Relations
If you’re looking for high quality and personal service, you’ve come to the right place. At Starkowski Consulting LLC you will receive the attention and personal service you expect.
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As a former Commissioner of Connecticut's health and human services agency, the Department of Social Services, with a budget that annually exceeded $5 billion I am fully aware of the complexities of public programs and the critical functions that can be provided by for profit and nonprofit business partners. Under four consecutive Governors I was entrusted with the responsibility to administer over 90 distinct health and human service programs that consumed almost one third of the entire budget of the state of Connecticut and provided services to over 750,000 individuals.
Having served as the Commissioner of the most complex and comprehensive agency in the state, with over 35 total years of experience, I offer meaningful strategic business development and organizational services, including:
- In depth/up to date analysis of federal and state initiatives
- Program/Service Delivery/Benefit design, development and implementation
- Structuring Partnerships, Value Based Relationships and Contract Negotiations
- Budget Analysis/Cost Effectiveness and Feasibility analysis
- Business process review and redesign
- Focused Topical Informational, Educational and Analytical presentations
- Government relations and advocacy
All services provided are individualized and tailored to ensure interested businesses of their continued ability to take advantage of federal and state initiatives. I can provide the assistance that is needed to navigate the complex internal structures of federal and state agencies and the expertise to help develop programs that meet the needs of the shifting paradigm of services- all while meeting individual business needs in a cost effective manner.
Throughout my career I have had the unique opportunity to manage as well as design, develop and implement programs that crossed the broad spectrum of health and human services. During my tenure, I was instrumental in developing and implementing major creative programs such as the HUSKY Plan, the Charter Oak Plan, CHOICES, Money Follows the Person, Connect-Ability and Electronic Benefits Transfer. For 17 years I was in executive service, serving originally as the Deputy Commissioner then as the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Social Services.
Let my expertise, experience and my continued positive relationships with public decision makers, for profit and not for profit businesses work for you.